
Opening of the first usability lab in Central Asia at the DesignScience 2023 conference

2023-06-23 13:36

The annual DesignScience 2023 conference will be#nbsp;held this summer in#nbsp;Astana city, where BTS Digital is#nbsp;a#nbsp;media partner. This is#nbsp;the central event of#nbsp;the#nbsp;UX industry in#nbsp;Kazakhstan, which will take place on#nbsp;July 12−13 at#nbsp;the Astana Hub.

With the active digitalization of#nbsp;the country, the#nbsp;UX industry plays a#nbsp;key role, becoming the heart and engine of#nbsp;the whole process. At#nbsp;the conference, we#nbsp;will analyze the main trends and news of#nbsp;product design and research in#nbsp;Kazakhstan and worldwide last year.

Conference participants will have an#nbsp;opportunity to#nbsp;listen to#nbsp;reports from leading industry experts, learn about current news on#nbsp;the market of#nbsp;researchers and designers, and get information about the structure of#nbsp;CX/UX processes in#nbsp;the largest companies in#nbsp;Kazakhstan.

Participants will also have the opportunity to#nbsp;take a#nbsp;profile quiz in#nbsp;the Aitu superapp to#nbsp;test their UX/UI knowledge and get a#nbsp;chance to#nbsp;win cool branded gifts from BTS Digital.

The main event of#nbsp;DesignScience 2023 will be#nbsp;the presentation of#nbsp;a#nbsp;new usability lab in#nbsp;the Astana Hub, equipped with neurophysiological research equipment#nbsp;— the first such lab in#nbsp;Central Asia.

We#nbsp;invite everyone interested in#nbsp;the#nbsp;UX industry to#nbsp;join our conference and get unique knowledge that will help to#nbsp;improve user experience and gain a#nbsp;competitive advantage.

Participation is#nbsp;free. Registration for the conference is#nbsp;available at For those who will not be#nbsp;able to#nbsp;participate offline, an#nbsp;online broadcast is#nbsp;available.