
DevOpsDays Almaty 2023: Aitu Cloud was a partner of the conference for DevOps professionals

2023-09-13 10:59
In#nbsp;the dynamic world of#nbsp;IT, the Devopsdays conference has carved a#nbsp;niche as#nbsp;a#nbsp;key platform where professionals gather to#nbsp;exchange views, network, and define the future of#nbsp;development and operations (DevOps). The recent conference held in#nbsp;Almaty was no#nbsp;exception, where knowledge sharing was combined with collaboration, and Aitu Cloud’s participation as#nbsp;a#nbsp;bronze partner of#nbsp;the event was an#nbsp;even bigger highlight.
The program of#nbsp;Devopsdays Almaty was carefully thought out and promised to#nbsp;enrich and engage all participants. The event included workshops, discussions, and keynote sessions featuring industry veterans and leaders' presentations. This vibrant conference has always been a#nbsp;breeding ground for innovative ideas and collaboration; it#nbsp;raised the bar again this year.

As#nbsp;part of#nbsp;the partnership, Aitu Cloud held a#nbsp;quiz using the Aitu super app on#nbsp;DevOps, where the top 20 highest-scoring participants received Aitu ecosystem-branded prizes.

Want to#nbsp;test your knowledge? Take the quiz and answer the questions posed to#nbsp;the conference attendees.