
Maxim Ilichov: How will social media platforms change?

2023-07-31 04:49

Social media is#nbsp;a#nbsp;dynamic landscape, and its evolution will continue to#nbsp;shape how we#nbsp;interact, communicate, and consume content. The future offers excellent opportunities but, at#nbsp;the same time, poses unique challenges. Maxim Ilichov, Tribe Lead of#nbsp;BTS Digital, the developer of#nbsp;the super-app Aitu, shared his thoughts on#nbsp;what changes to#nbsp;expect from social networks.

1: Transformation of#nbsp;social networks:

Soon, we#nbsp;expect social networks to#nbsp;become more immersive and interactive. Further improved virtual and augmented reality integration will allow users to#nbsp;experience social interactions in#nbsp;a#nbsp;new way. In#nbsp;addition, contextual personalization will reach new heights: algorithms will better understand users' preferences and provide them with customized content.

Users will have more control over their data privacy and a#nbsp;deeper understanding of#nbsp;how their information is#nbsp;used. Kazakhstan is#nbsp;keeping pace with this demand, reflected in#nbsp;the recently adopted Law on#nbsp; Online Platforms and Online Advertising. By#nbsp;the way, independent experts noted that our platform Aitu meets the requirements of#nbsp;the law.

2. Increased competition:

Competition between social network owners will undoubtedly be#nbsp;fierce. Platforms will constantly innovate to#nbsp;stay relevant in#nbsp;response to#nbsp;user demands and evolving technologies. New features will be#nbsp;developed to#nbsp;meet the diverse needs of#nbsp;global users, such as#nbsp;enhanced privacy features, improved real-time language translation training, and more accurate content moderation. For example, we#nbsp;have developed and plan to#nbsp;implement real-time voice and text#nbsp;ML models for Kazakh and Russian.

3. Rebranding to#nbsp;increase relevance:

Social media platforms can rebrand to#nbsp;adapt to#nbsp;changing user behavior and preferences. Companies that successfully rebrand and state their commitment to#nbsp;privacy, security, and community well-being will likely gain a#nbsp;competitive advantage. Transparency and trust-building initiatives will become essential for social media companies, and we#nbsp;will prioritize these factors in#nbsp;the development process.

4- Evolution of#nbsp;niche networks:

While large social media platforms will continue to#nbsp;dominate the market, we#nbsp;foresee the rise of#nbsp;specialized, national (local), or#nbsp;niche social networks. These platforms will target geography, specific interests, or#nbsp;demographics. Such networks can foster more robust communities and allow users to#nbsp;connect more closely based on#nbsp;shared passions. As#nbsp;a#nbsp;Kazakhstani company, we#nbsp;make our Aitu product relevant to#nbsp;the interests of#nbsp;Kazakhstani people and reflective of#nbsp;Kazakhstani culture and values.

5. Focus on#nbsp;valuable services:

The future of#nbsp;social networks will focus on#nbsp;providing valuable services to#nbsp;users. These include educational resources, career development tools, and mental health support. Social networks that prioritize users' well-being and personal growth will likely have long-term success.

6. Consolidation potential:

In#nbsp;a#nbsp;highly competitive social media landscape, consolidation may occur. Larger ones may absorb smaller platforms to#nbsp;pool resources and expand their sphere of#nbsp;influence. However, there will still be#nbsp;room for independent platforms that offer unique features and are community-oriented.

7. Assistants, virtual assistants based on#nbsp;GPT models:

As#nbsp;social networks evolve, we#nbsp;expect a#nbsp;significant role for virtual assistants based on#nbsp;advanced language models such as#nbsp;GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer). These virtual assistants will revolutionize user interaction, content creation, and customer support on#nbsp;social media platforms. We#nbsp;are particularly interested in#nbsp;exploring the possibilities of#nbsp;GPT-based virtual assistants to#nbsp;uniquely serve our users with a#nbsp;focus on#nbsp;quality support in#nbsp;the Kazakh language.

The future of#nbsp;social media holds tremendous promise, but it#nbsp;also requires a#nbsp;deep commitment to#nbsp;user well-being, privacy, and innovation. As#nbsp;a#nbsp;Kazakhstani#nbsp;IT company, we#nbsp;are focused on#nbsp;our users' needs and our culture’s values. We#nbsp;strive to#nbsp;contribute to#nbsp;the technological revolution in#nbsp;social media and create a#nbsp;better digital world for all.
The expert commentary was provided and published on#nbsp;the Q-channel Telegram channel: and